Case for if-then-else

· Allanderek's blog

#programming #elm

I mostly do not use if-then-else. Part of this is just a common Elm feeling of desiring to keep the language small, and since we have case expressions we do not really need if-then-else. But there is another part to it, I can order the branches anyway I like, I do not have to have the True branch first. Why would I wish to do this?

My feeling is that as you're reading code, there is only so much you can keep on your "stack". So if you have a large branch of an if-then-else and a small trivial one, I tend to place the small trivial one first.

This is kind of similar to defining a recursive function in which you do the base-case first, since the base-case is often quite trivial.

So for example, suppose you are rendering a sidebar menu that may or may not be open:

 1showSideBar : Model -> Html Msg
 2showSideBar model =
 3    if model.sideBarOpen
 4    then
 5        Html.div
 6            [ "side-bar" ]
 7            [ ....
 8            ... many lines of code
 9            ]
10    else
11        Html.nothing

I find if you read down to the else expression this way you have typically forgotten what the condition was and you have to scan/scroll back up to remind yourself what it was. There are three ways you can get around this:

Negate the condition #

 1showSideBar : Model -> Html Msg
 2showSideBar model =
 3    if not model.sideBarOpen
 4    then
 5        Html.nothing
 6    else
 7        Html.div
 8            [ "side-bar" ]
 9            [ ....
10            ... many lines of code
11            ]

Factor out the 'then' branch #

 1showSideBar : Model -> Html Msg
 2showSideBar model =
 3    let
 4        viewOpenSideBar =
 5            Html.div
 6                [ "side-bar" ]
 7                [ ....
 8                ... many lines of code
 9                ]
10    in
11    if model.sideBarOpen
12    then
13        viewOpenSideBar
14    else
15        Html.nothing

Case and re-order #

 1showSideBar : Model -> Html Msg
 2showSideBar model =
 3    case model.sideBarOpen of
 4        False ->
 5            Html.nothing
 6        True ->
 7            Html.div
 8                [ "side-bar" ]
 9                [ ....
10                ... many lines of code
11                ]

The final one of these seems more genuine to me, you're writing what you mean. Often the factoring out can also be useful, but I find that, you often need to think of two names which basically mean the same thing. Negating the condition is fine, but it's not the original question I was asking. It reads strangely, in this case it reads as "is the sidebar not open?", but it's clearly not a bad solution.

I prefer the final version, it reads nicely: "Is the side bar open? If not then draw nothing, otherwise ....", and because you've got that condition off your stack you can forget about it and concentrate on the intersting code that is drawing the side bar.

So I typically use case-of over if-then-else because I can re-order the branches if I feel it reads better. It also means if I need to change the type of the condition there is less to change. A common change of type is changing between Bool and Maybe, so I might have something like:

1    case mUser of
2        Nothing ->
3            Html.nothing
4        Just user ->
5            .. draw something ..

I then later realise that the draw something does not actually use the user, I just need to know that the user is logged in, it doesn't matter who they are logged in as, in which I might change this to:

1    case Maybe.isSomething mUser of
2        False ->
3            Html.nothing
4        True ->
5            .. draw something ..

Or I might have started with this version and then realise I need the actual user value for something. Either way changing between the two is easier because I'm habitually using case-of instead of if-then-else.

There is one good reason to sometimes favour using if-then-else, they do not increase indentation, so if you have several nested boolean conditionals, it might be tidier to use if-then-else. Still I cannot remember the last time that happened for me.