I had an issue with a computation taking much longer than might have been expected. It turned out to be caused by a use of the function greedyGroupsOf
from the list-extra library, and it was solved by writing my own, naive, implementation.
I haven't quite gotten to the bottom of why the library version of greedyGroupsOf
of is so much slower than my naive version, but the reason it is slower is mostly to do with DRY or don't repeat yourself.
To see why, let's look first at my naive version:
1greedyGroupsOf : Int -> List a -> List (List a)
2greedyGroupsOf size elements =
3 case elements of
4 [] ->
5 []
7 _ ->
8 let
9 ( year, remainder ) =
10 List.splitAt size elements
11 in
12 year :: splitIntoYears size remainder
This is perfectly simple. Now, let's look at the library version:
1greedyGroupsOf : Int -> List a -> List (List a)
2greedyGroupsOf size xs =
3 greedyGroupsOfWithStep size size xs
Ah, okay, so it's just calling a more general function. This is why it is DRY, I do this kind of thing, almost habitually. Here is the implementation of the more general function:
1greedyGroupsOfWithStep : Int -> Int -> List a -> List (List a)
2greedyGroupsOfWithStep size step xs =
3 let
4 xs_ =
5 List.drop step xs
7 okayArgs =
8 size > 0 && step > 0
10 okayXs =
11 List.length xs > 0
12 in
13 if okayArgs && okayXs then
14 List.take size xs :: greedyGroupsOfWithStep size step xs_
16 else
17 []
As I've mentioned I'm not entirely sure why this is so much slower than the more specific function. There is one thing it does. Because the step and the size might be different it cannot use List.splitAt
and has to do two separate List.drop
and List.take
operations. This is because in the more general function you can have a different step size to that of the group size, a lower step size will mean that some elements are in more than one group, whilst a larger step size will mean some elements are omitted entirely.
Anyway, this means that greedyGroupsOf
is slower than it needs to be, because it is a simple invocation of the more general function. In this case, it might be worth just using the specialised implementation of the function. It means repeating some code, or logic, but in this case I doubt that's so bad, these implementations are unlikely to change, and they are probably correct.